•Á¦ÀÛȸ»ç : Enttec
•Á¦Ç°À̸§ : Enttec RDS4
•Á¦Ç°ºÐ·ù : Splitters
•Á¦Ç°¼³¸í : RDM DMX Isolated Splitters
General Descript-xion
The RDS4 is DMX/RDM compatible 4 port fully isolated splitter. It allows users to build an RDM (E1.20-2006) compliant network DMX. Current DMX splitters will not allow RDM enabled devices to function properly, the RDS4 now solves this problem while allowing your RDM devices to talk back to a controller.
•1 DMX input and 4 DMX outputs. Normal mode: splitter actively repeats RDM traffic bidirectionally while level information goes from controller to DMX devices as usual
• Filter Mode: Single button-press allows all RDM traffic to be filtered out, for legacy devices which might flicker if they saw the messages on the line
• Backup Mode: Another button bypasses intelligent RDM functionality completely to work as a traditional DMX splitter would
• Fully compliant with ESTA and USITT standards for DMX512A with RDM and RDM Standard ANSI E1.20 - 2006*
• Internal autoranging power supply